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erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi

Erectile Dysfunction: What Are the Causes and Treatments?

“We must also not forget that some drugs can influence the quality of erections and their replacement with other drugs – under medical supervision – can reverse the situation”

What used to be called “sexual impotence” is now called erectile dysfunction (ED). By definition, erectile dysfunction is the inability to obtain and/or maintain a penile erection “sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance”.

Several studies show that up to 52% of men may have some degree – mild, moderate, or severe – of erectile dysfunction. ED greatly reduces the quality of life of many men and can also compromise the couple’s relationship. Once a big taboo – even today it is still for some men –, ED is increasingly being discussed among men and their sexologists in Delhi.

From a didactic point of view, we can divide the causes of ED into two large groups: psychological and organic causes. The psychological disorder is usually recent, has an abrupt onset, and is not associated with organic risk factors. It is often intermittent, happening in certain situations, with certain partners, or in certain places. Many of the men report normal masturbation, but they do not get a satisfactory erection in sexual intercourse.

On the other hand, ED of organic cause is usually long-standing, with the quality of stiffness progressively decreasing over months and years, and is not intermittent. In general, it comes from vascular changes (arteries and veins) of the penis, changes in the innervation of the penis, or endocrinological factors (men with ED should always measure testosterone). It may also be due to some local diseases in the penis, such as the appearance of fibrosis.

Risk factors

Most of the time, organic ED is related to risk factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides, obesity (the so-called Metabolic Syndrome), sedentary lifestyle, excessive alcohol, smoking, depression, etc. Changing habits and controlling these risk factors can improve erections in many men. We should also not forget that some drugs can influence the quality of erections and their replacement with other drugs – under medical supervision – can reverse the situation.

When the cause is psychological, only a good orientation can be enough to improve the situation, but many times we have to resort to brief sexual therapy, which is usually carried out between two to six months in order to reduce anxiety about sex and the called “performance fear”, which is the fear of entering into sexual intercourse and not getting an erection. Sometimes, we can combine drugs with sex therapy to facilitate an erection.

The first line erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi today is oral drugs from the phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor family. They are erection facilitators and need desire and stimulation for an erection to occur. They should be taken about an hour before intercourse.

When these drugs do not work well, the second line of treatment is drugs that can be injected into the penis through a small syringe and needle. It is usually painless, and an erection occurs within 5 to 10 minutes. These are erection-inducing drugs. When these also do not work, we can resort to penile prosthesis implant surgery, whose objective is to provide adequate rigidity to the penis. Dentures can be malleable or inflatable.

A man with erectile dysfunction should see his sexologist doctor in Delhi to discuss the best treatment for his problem, its risks, contraindications, and side effects. Currently, erectile dysfunction is always treatable, but treatment must be individualized for each patient.

best sexologist clinic in Delhi

Best tips for better sex in marriage and tricks with powerful bedroom

Is there a lack of sex in your marriage?

I think everyone has been there once or twice in their life. But there are tangible ways and tips for better sex and reignite the passion in your sly sex life.

Give no hope of improving sex in marriage, as the list of best advice and sex tips for healthy married life includes making real efforts to build a certain level of comfort, have fun, and shake your routine between the sheets.

Start not relying on things outside of your marriage to ‘spice it up’. Sex can be greatly enhanced if both spouses agree to work on it and follow helpful tips for better sex.

Making sex better in marriage is not as difficult a task as it seems.

Sex and physical intimacy come naturally in a relationship, with time it loses its spark at some height, but it does not disappear. All you have to do is rediscover the passion you once shared with your partner.

Here are three tips on how to have better sex in marriage.

1. Have sex more often

There are a few things that happen when you make sex a priority.

The first is that the more you have sex, the more you want it. i t has been a fact in my own life, as have numerous other couples with whom I have spoken.

One of the key tips for sex before marriage is that the more you have sex, the more you want sex. Try it, it’s true when it comes to answering how to have more sex in marriage.

Second, it needs to get better all the time.

Sex is a physical activity. And just like any other physical activity, you need to exercise to get better.

Think about it, are sports legends created during the day or do they work consistently to be able to perform the way they do ? The answer is obvious.

While some are naturally better than others, everyone needs practice to reach their true potential. Exercise makes perfect.

Do not get me wrong here, I’m not saying you should have sex every day.

I know this is not helpful for most people. I say you need to have more sex to make it better. Perhaps increasing the number of times you do it with just a little bit.

To improve sex in marriage, you need to be intentional about it.

It is one of the most powerful tips for better sex.

As you do so, your partner will begin to know your body more and you will begin to get to know your partners. Once you know how to navigate through each other’s bodies and how to push each other over the orgasmic edge, sex becomes awesome.

2. Turn on the lights

Have you heard that men are visual?

Unless you have lived under a rock, I know you know that this study finds that most men are visual beings. (I know there are women who are visual too!).

Hence, it only makes sense to turn on the lights during sex would enhance the experience.

But, alas, it can be difficult to be comfortable in your own skin , And if you’re something like me, a woman, you have a hard time loving how your body looks.

This thought process makes it incredibly uncomfortable to want to turn on the lights when you are naked!

Trust me here when you make crib notes about tips for better sex, there is no need to feel bad about how you look, because nine times out of ten, your husband thinks you look great; especially naked.

Once you realize this fact, take the lead on your self-image in bed.

  • Make it a habit to be confident with your body.
  • Try not to meet all the exact standards projected by media.
  • Be comfortable in your own skin.

These are the best sex tips in marriage to blow your partner’s mind on bed and have a great role between the likes.

Tips to improve sex in marriage include not letting a negative body image mess with your head.

Body positivity, variety of body size and acceptance are the buzzwords about how to have better sex in marriage.

On the other hand, men who ask them how they can have good sex in marriage try to make sure your spouse knows how much you like to see her naked , Tell her how beautiful she really is.

This alone will help your spouse to be much more confident and open to enlightenment!

3. Speak openly and have a productive sex conversation

Having an open, honest conversation about your sex life is important, This is one of the simplest tips for better sex.

Sex can improve in any relationship, but both people need to be able to express their needs without embarrassment. Focusing on needs is one of the most important tips for better sex and a happy relationship.

  • Do you create an environment where both you and your partner can comfortably talk to each other about these things?
  • Do you create an environment in which you expect your other half to be a mind reader?

Listen, expect your spouse to read your mind about everything is angry. Expecting your spouse to know exactly what you want in bed is just not realistic.

Try to practice what you like and what you do not do when you have sex.

Encourage your spouse to continue doing the things that feel great and, without being hurtful, explain the things that are not so great.

These conversations can be a little awkward at first. However, talking about these things can not only make your sex life better.

Talk to your spouse about opening up to each other in bed today.

  • There is no magic solution when it comes to sex in marriage.
  • People are not born with exceptional skills for infatuated love.

It takes work and intensity to create and maintain a great sex life with your spouse.

These tips for better sex can really make a difference in your marriage.

Dr P K Gupta, sexologist in Delhi, truly believes that if you start putting these three things into practice, you and your spouse can enjoy better sex in your marriage today!

effect of potency disorder on relationship

The effect of potency disorder on relationship and self-esteem

In India, erectile dysfunction is estimated to affect about half a million men. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of them see a doctor, although potency disorder can be treated in 90 percent of cases. The reason is to be found in the imagined social expectations, the performance suggested by the media, and the distorted self-image.

Due to a potency disorder, few men turn to a sexologist in Delhi or raise their issues with their partner. In vain is a widespread campaign for prevention, early therapy if they find closed ears. Yet one of the determinants of quality of life is healthy sex life.

Erectile dysfunction is either an organic or psychological origin, one of the most directly associated with side effects that the patient shook confidence in the performance of their own, manhood. Personality problems with illness, increasing suppressed disease awareness may become predominant in this group of patients, and this may exacerbate symptoms.

The development of self-esteem disorder can be greatly influenced by the sexual partner. A positive attitude, a desire to help, and patience are one of the cornerstones of the path to physical healing. Unfortunately, many times, however, the female partner is reluctant to admit the problem. An erection is not his “task,” resolving the man’s situation. With this, the patient remains alone with his problem, which strengthens the spiritual process in him, which eventually leads to a decrease in self-esteem and the completion of a self-esteem disorder that affects other areas of life.

Above 50 is just as active

Research has shown that men with erectile problems have quite an active sex life sooner than those without erectile dysfunction. Problem-free men make love almost as often as the youngest in their late 50s, and it is only over the age of 60 that the number of regular sexual intercourse decreases. People with erectile dysfunction make less love from a young age, but stop active sex at the age of 50.

Erectile dysfunction and sexual dysfunction are common problems. Even today, many people treat it as a taboo, and a great many do not dare to ask for help due to excessive shyness or prejudice. However, it is worth turning to a sexologist doctor in Delhi, we do this for our own health. After all, health means physical and mental well-being. And a full sex life full of healthy joys is part of our health.